Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Double page spread analysis

I have also analysed a double page spread from the same magazine, "RESPECT". Through my evaluation I have learnt a lot of the ways in which this double page spread relates to the audience, and how it connects back to the front cover, in which it is mentioned that there will be an article with this artist.

I took the double page spread of an interview with B.O.B and analysed it. I checked for all the different techniques used from the design of the double page spread to the language of the interview.

Below is a picture of my analysis of the double page spread:
Summary of analysis:
This double page spread was definitely an interesting one to analyse. On the left hand side is a picture of the artist B.O.B sitting in a studio and on the right hand side is the text of the interview that was conducted.
Firstly I will summarise the design and different layouts of the double page spread before moving on to discussing the more language based elements of the article. Firstly by viewing the picture it shows B.O.B sitting inside a studio. This to me showed us as the audience the artist’s personality and how the interview was either conducted during recording sessions or if it is just a place he generally likes to spend his time. Furthermore there seems to be certain messages from the picture that tell me as an audience member things about B.O.B. For example, the background image of all the Skyscrapers could signify his ongoing success. Furthermore things like a microphone on display within the studio could show his music success.
Also it seems as if there is promotion within the picture. For instance the dress sense of B.O.B’s may promote huge fans to purchase similar. This is shown by the long mid shot. Moreover B.O.B is wearing Oakley glasses which could definitely help promote the company rather than an advert being displayed somewhere on the page.   
Finally other simple things like the colour of the big font displaying the artist’s name, is the same colour as his trousers. This helps link in the two pages together and also shows how these two pages are related. Furthermore the background colour behind the text is similar to the colour of the studio. This provides a very neat effect that also links the two pages.
When it comes down to things that relate to the style and language of the text, it seems as if there are some important things to mention (especially when it comes down to helping me understand what a double page spread should be like). Firstly when I compared this double page spread to another, I realised that this seemed slightly more formal. For example, on another double page spread, I realised that the interview was set out as one. So the interviewer would seem as if he/she was writing the article but along the way mentioning the questions posed to the celebrity and also mentioning their answers.  However in this article, there is a slight introduction and then the interviewers questions are posed (put in a bold font), and then the answers given by B.O.B are printed beneath the question in a normal font. When it comes to the language used, it isn’t however too formal. The interview is put onto the article, the way it was spoken out. For example the interviewer poses the question, “How did you start playing instruments? You were in band, I guess?” The way that is written is exactly the same as how the question was spoken out. This is a very good way of doing this as it helps keep the person who is reading the article involved and may even seem to them as if they are actually there.
Furthermore the font is quite clear and easy to read which definitely could help keep a reader engaged within the article.

Music magazine front cover analysis, "RESPECT"

As part of my AS course in creating a media magazine front cover, contents page and double page spread, I purchased the magazine "RESPECT" and gave an in depth analysis of the front cover.

Below is a powerpoint presentation that contains my analysis of the front cover of "RESPECT":

Tuesday, 1 February 2011


Although it may seem as if this blog doesn't relate to my project, I can definitely write with confidence that it actually does. As this blog has been set up for the purpose of logging in as much information on the topic of study (creating the media magazine for my AS course), this next blog will help contribute to my project quite well.

The genre of music I have chosen for my assignment is Hip Hop. The main reasons for this was more or less the simple answer of how much I love Hip Hop. Personally I do feel this genre of music is quite misunderstood and also the growth of the genre is quite significant. It isn't only just plainly the beats of the music that attracts me to the genre, but it is a whole variety of things. To me Hip Hop has a very interesting culture, from how it developed and to what it is today. The music feels really relatable to myself. The different styles and techniques really attract me as a person and Hip Hop has also gained a lot of true artists who really understand the music and bring a lot of justice to it.

The main reason for why I chose to post this quick blog is to just to make mention of how through blogging over this course, I will be evaluating different Hip Hop artists and their music in a way of getting ready for my final project. As this quite obviously is my favourite genre within the music business, I feel that posting blogs on new and former Hip Hop albums will really help me to understand how to create the perfect Hip Hop magazine (front cover, contents page and double page spread), and also give a wider and broader amount of knowledge on the genre.